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Gamefish Tagging

Tag and release has become an integral part of sport fishing in many parts of the world. We provide summaries from the New Zealand Gamefish Tagging Programme for the 2011–12 year, including the 1945 fish released and 58 recaptures.

Funded by the Ministry for Primary Industries and NZ Sport Fishing Council
Researchers Blue Water Marine Research

Tag cards and recaptures can be sent to:
New Zealand Gamefish Tagging
Ministry for Primary Industries
PO Box 19747

Long distance recaptures are plotted and trends over recent years described. Details of significant recaptures for the year are provided. The striped marlin release mortality from the New Zealand recreational fishery is estimated to be 12.5 t/annum. 

It uses details recorded on tag cards and the mean number tagged over the last seven years.

Site by Big Fish Creative